Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Into the Vault again! Half-Minute Hero!

            If you have 30 seconds left before the end of the world, what will you do? Why save the world of course! Oh then you get your rear side whooped and you're defeated. 30 seconds ain't enough eh? Not to worry, believe it or not, time is on your side! 


       Ever played RPG games before? Half-minute Hero is an RPG injected with too much caffeine. Imagine having your hero level up, get decent equipment AND beating the stage boss in 30 seconds (hard to imagine ain't it?) Well this is pretty much what happens in this game. 

They actually look like this in-game XD

           You have your character brave (or probably stupid) enough to stop a boss from casting an "end of the world" spell in 30 seconds. Then you have to do every tedious thing that you usually do in an RPG game in those 30 seconds because if you don't? The world will end and game over. Harsh.

           But remember, time is on your side. No i'm not making fun of you, time really is on your side, although I'm not sure whether it's just because she can earn money from it. Who is "she"? Well, "she" is the Goddess of Time, who will allow you to restore time from how much time you have left back to 30 seconds... provided you pay for it (greedy bi... let's move on). Each time reset will cost more than the previous reset. It won't carry over from one stage to the next, the cost will just increase on the stage.

Goddess of Time

           Hero 30 deals with you, the hero, trying to stop bosses from casting the "end of the world" spell. Gameplay is like this. You level up, fight monsters, get equipment, beat boss who wants to cast the "end of the world" spell for reasons that makes sense only for them. Rinse, repeat, and you will have completed one part of Half-minute Hero.


           The next part? Princess 30. There's a princess who wants to heal her sick father, but in order to get the items that might probably heal her father, she needs to go outside the castle along with her knights (knights who do nothing but carry the princess). In order to protect herself from monsters outside the castle, she is given a crossbow (which for reasons unknown changes her personality from a kind princess to a very scary bloodthirsty princess >.>). Since the game is still called Half-minute Hero, you only have 30 seconds to fend yourself against monsters, go to the area to get the item, return home before the castle guards lock you out (why the princess decided to always go out of the castle 30 seconds before her curfew is beyond me). The Goddess of time is also here in the form of time carpets that you can walk on that restores your time slowly while draining the gold that you earn (I told you she was a greedy bi... *deep breathes*) Let's move on.


           There's also another part of Half-minute hero that focuses on one mid-boss that you encounter on the Hero part. Evil Lord 30. You are on a mission to restore your girlfriend back to normal! You summon monsters to defeat the enemy monsters, in a rock-paper-scissors kind of way. You have (that's right!) 30 seconds to beat all the other monsters before the sun rises and your girlfriend (who was magically transformed into a bat that you use as an umbrella) faints from sunlight. Luckily, the selfish bi... I mean, the Goddess of Time allows you to restore your time back to 30 seconds for a price of course. 

Evil Lord with his Bat-Umbrella girlfriend

           Now once you finish the three unlocked parts you get a new part, Knight 30. The Goddess of Time is dead (Ha! serves you right!... I mean... oh crap) and everything is in ruins. A knight (that's you) is on the verge of death but is revived by a sage. Sage says she needs knight's help to stall the monsters while she chants her "win the stage" spell. Only problem? You guessed it, 30 seconds to cast the spell. Now you as a knight need to protect the sage until you save the day.


      After you finish Knight 30, you unlock another challenge, Hero 300. The bi... Goddess of Time is dead, you have 300 seconds to do all that you did in 30 seconds before. No time reset, no time restore, no nothing. Time to gather all your allies and fight like you're running out of time (which you are by the way). 

           And once you've defeated the big baddy, you unlock one of the most challenging err.. challenges in the game! Hero 3! Fight monsters, get equipment, beat boss who is just about done casting his "end of the world" spell in 3 seconds (O.o). Yes, count with me... 1, 2, 3, end of the world. Can you survive this challenge? Will you win? Good luck ;)

TL;DR stuff here ;)

The story combines funny dialogue and events. In the end, you just need to beat the bad guy before he casts his “end of the world” spell, reach the gates before they lock you out, beat every monster before your girlfriend faints from the sun and stall with all you’ve got before the monsters get your win-game caster.
Gameplay is diverse. It lets you play as the Hero, Princess, Evil Lord and even a Knight. Each part is different. The only common thing that each part has is the 30-second time limit. The gameplay is one of a kind. It’s enjoyable. It’s nice.
Sound? Hmm, It’s got an 8-bit feel to it. I appreciate the part of nostalgia. I won’t give it that high of a score, but I won’t give it a low one either.
Well, once you’re done with this, that’s pretty much it. Although there are some parts of Hero 30 where paths split up, and you just might be tempted to complete those stages but all in all… not a lot of replayability here :c
I don’t think it’s that low. It’s just that once you’re done with this game you’re pretty much done with it. Although I must admit that I had fun playing it and finishing the stages especially Hero 3

This is a good game. I've played with this game and it amuses me how good this game feels without it using the high-quality graphics and all. It's a good deal. You might want to try it. Good luck with Hero 3, seriously, you're going to need it :D. 

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